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Differences Between Pin, Password, Passkey and Passcode

Here are the differences between PINs, passwords, passkeys, and passcodes:

1. PIN (Personal Identification Number)

A PIN is a numerical code used to authenticate the identity of a user. It typically consists of a short sequence of numbers, such as a 4-digit PIN commonly used with ATM cards and mobile devices.

Unlike passwords, PINs are usually numeric and are often used in conjunction with a physical device, such as an ATM card or a smartphone.

2. Password

A password is a sequence of characters, including letters, numbers, and special symbols, used to authenticate a user’s identity. It is commonly used for accessing computer systems, online accounts, and digital devices.

Passwords are typically longer and more complex than PINs, and they offer greater flexibility in terms of the characters that can be used.

3. Passkey

A passkey is a type of authentication code often used in wireless communication, such as Bluetooth devices. It is used to establish a secure connection between devices and is often simpler and shorter than a password.

Passkeys are commonly used to pair devices and establish a secure communication link, such as between a smartphone and a Bluetooth headset.

4. Passcode

A passcode is a generic term that can refer to either a PIN, a password, or a combination of both. It is a broad term used to describe any code or sequence of characters used for authentication.

Passcodes can encompass both numeric PINs and alphanumeric passwords, and the specific use case will determine the exact form of the passcode.


Both PINs and passwords are used for authentication, they differ in terms of the characters used and the context in which they are employed. Passkeys are primarily used in wireless communication for device pairing, and passcodes serve as a broad term encompassing various forms of authentication codes.

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